Magical divinity.
By K.N..Subramanyam. |
The spiritual path is one of cycles of growth and destruction, of
rebuilding followed again by disruption, until the magical work of the
soul, the higher self, effects a transformation of the personality.
Through a balanced practice of meditation, the study of spiritual texts,
and service to humanity, a higher and more stable spiritual vibration
can supersede these cycles of ebb and flow. This magical power of the soul can be grasped and steadily
manifested in our lives as an increasing power to serve through
love-wisdom and skill in action. That will draw upon the timeless
spiritual principles and techniques by which the soul works its magic
The differences between the western and eastern mysteries are not huge.
They both involve practices to bring you into contact with the deepest
(or highest) aspects of consciousness for the purposes of transformation
and connection with divine knowledge
The main difference between the eastern path and the western path is
in the direction of the psychic current. While the eastern way encourages
us to move our psychic energy ever further away from the earth plane
until we eventually dissolve into nothingness.
The western school acknowledges this path and contains its own methods
for accomplishing similar states of consciousness, internal awakening
and connection with divine intelligence and wisdom. But the western path
encourages us to direct our divine energy downward, into and through
ourselves to transform the world around with healing and light. This
is simply because of a difference in cultural temperament. Our western
culture is always looking outward and forward, so we have developed interests
in psychic phenomena, channeling, creative visualization, all active
drawing of the mysterious inner worlds of the unconscious into the physical
world. The western path of magick is all about drawing down the divine
energy- divination (tarot, astrology, runes, geomancy, chyromancy, pyromancy,
etc.) as well as healing, manifestation (wealth, success, love) protection,
or negative uses like cursing.
The great danger with eastern mysticism is the seductive escape from
the trouble and tribulation of life into a peaceful world that is really
just fantasy. It is only when we resolve our challenges that we can truly
evolve. Magic offers a spiritual model for our continuing human evolution.
The key phrase of the western mysteries is "Know Thyself." The
whole purpose of the western secret doctrine is to lead you to a greater
understanding of yourself. This understanding then translates into the
ability to act consistently and congruently in accordance with your own
true will. By understanding ourselves, we come to understand the purpose
of our existence, and with that purpose clearly in mind, we can accomplish
As we begin to really know ourselves, we find that we are actually discovering
the nature of the universe. The human spiritual body is a reflection
of the spiritual body of universe. We are a microcosm of the universal
macrocosm. This gives us tremendous personal responsibility. When we
think a thought, it is projected into the macrocosm. So, if we continually
think limiting, negative thoughts, our life experience is negative and
limited. However, if we begin to think positive, enriching thoughts that
contain unlimited possibilities, then the whole range of universal power
opens up to us.
The path of magic causes miraculous changes in the world. As you awaken
to your connection with the universe, you will begin to change the universe
around you. It is a mutual transformation. This is the spiritual path
of Magic.
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