Dreams Defined

By.K.N.Subramanyam This afternoon I had a (very rare) nap. During that nap I had a lucid dream (most of which I no longer remember). As I was waking up, I was thinking about my dream and thought that it would be a great idea to write a list about dreams for the site. So, here are the amazing facts about dreams. People who become blind after birth can see images in their dreams. People who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion. It is hard for a seeing person to imagine, but the body’s need for sleep is so strong that it is able to handle virtually all physical situations to make it happen. You Forget 90% of your Dreams Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream if forgotten. Within 10, 90% is gone. Curiously, Robert Louis Stevenson came up with the story of Doctor Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde whi...