
Showing posts from October 3, 2012

Gandhi and the Nobel

   Mohandas Gandhi, the Mahatma, “the Great Soul” , was never awarded the Nobel Peace Prize .  This has been a perennial source of unhappiness for those Indians inclined to view Gandhi as by far the most deserving candidate of the twentieth century, and the hand of Britain, and the imperial West more generally, is seen as having been instrumental in depriving Gandhi of this “great honor”.  Many Nobel Laureates in Peace are themselves agreed that Gandhi should have been honored before they were honored.  The Dalai Lama, in his acceptance speech in Oslo on 10 December 1989, described himself as accepting the award “as a tribute to the man who founded the modern tradition of non-violent action for change, Mahatma Gandhi, whose life taught and inspired me.”  [  Many others besides Indians have pondered over Gandhi’s omission from the list of winners, and as Gwladys Fouché and Sally Bolton wrote in the Guardian not long ago, the Norwegian Nobel Committ...